Auction Donation Form

    Auction Donation Form

    The Rescue Project's Vision 2020

    Campaign for Clean Water Masquerade

    Ball & Gala

    November 20 , 2017

    I would like to donate the following:

    Is the item enclosed?


    Donor Contact Information

    Please send item and completed form no later than November 19, 2017 to:
    Your gift provides support for HAVEN HANDS Inc/The Rescue Project
    The Rescue Project
    325 West 38th Street, Suite 1208, New York, New York 10018
    Please e-mail with any questions.
    Your gift provides support for HAVEN HANDS Inc/The Rescue Project
    and is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
    Please check with your tax advisor for more information about possible tax deductions.

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