Take Action


By donating to The Rescue Project, you not only help children in your local community, but you help children all over the world. By donating money, clothing, toys, food or your time, you are guaranteed to make a difference every single second. There is no better reward than seeing a child smile.

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Attend our events

The Rescue Project organizes several events every year, including donation drives, fundraiser events, adoption awareness benefits and more. We would love to have you attend our events! Please check our calendar for upcoming events and click through to see more information on them!

Event CalenderEvent Calender


The Rescue Project is always happy to have volunteers work with us, in any capacity! If you would like to be involved in our donation drives, relief efforts, or any of our other forms of aid, please visit our Contact page.

Volunteers are a necessity for The Rescue Project so that we can reach every corner of the world. It doesn’t matter if you volunteer in Sub-Saharan Africa or in your hometown, every bit helps, as a child in need is our cause indeed.

Click To VolunteerClick To Volunteer


There are many ways to support The Rescue Project! You can recommend partnerships, donate, sponsor our events, sponsor a child or participate in our volunteer efforts, everything helps! To help, please contact us on our Contact page.

Without your support and people like you all over the world, The Rescue Project could have never become what it is, but we need more support to take us where we need to be! With your support we get even closer to helping every needy child in the world by supplying food, shelter, education, healthcare, toys, anything to give a child the best opportunity to succeed.

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