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Four established names in the Philanthropic world just so happen to have their birthdays fall in the same timeframe and are combining their reaches into one birthday event with all proceeds going directly to a beneficial cause on Sunday, November 3rd, 2018 at the J Casa Restaurant. Resk ‘Que, Imani Jones, Dr. Belinda Oyinkan Marquis and Edwin Apaloo are hosting  this year’s charity birthday event as the next in a line of annual birthday donations / celebrations to raise funds for the cause. For this event, proceeds are going to the ‘Vision 2020’ campaign. This project, which is well on its way to raising over $20 million by the year 2020, helps locations in desperate need of clean drinking water and proper eye healthcare all over the world.

The charity birthday brunch is taking place over the course of three hours and will feature bottomless alcohol and food with all proceeds benefiting children and women in need of access to life’s most basic necessities: clean drinking water and the vision to see clearly.

After the successful launch of the Vision 2020 campaign in 2017, the campaign’s organizer The Rescue Project has seen an outpouring of support. The Vision 2020 Campaign is set to raise $20M by the year 2020, with all proceeds going to aid over 200 million individuals in need all over the world. The main goals of the Vision 2020 Campaign are to provide clean water and sanitation in developing areas, while also ensuring healthy eyesight and basic eye care becoming the standard all across the world as well as training and supplying medical personnel and supplies. The campaign joins the fight for clean water by creating awareness while building and installing wells, filtration systems, irrigation systems, latrines in the selected areas that need it most across the globe. The Vision 2020 Campaign is already well underway in revolutionizing something the rest of the world takes for granted; clean water, proper sanitation and basic eye care, all things that most developing countries are desperately in need of.


“While this is a global issue, even in some places here in America, our aim is reach all corners of the world through our efforts and works.”  Stated Resk ‘Que. “In Africa alone, he continued, one out of every five child deaths is due to complications from unsafe drinking water. The dirty water can cause eye infections to these children, which when left untreated can lead to catastrophic damage, not only to their eyesight but to their education and livelihoods as well. The unclean water is also used to irrigate crops, further creating epidemics and contaminating entire food supplies. Without proper care, these easily treatable infections and disease can cause great harm to the people affected by them. We are determined to be part of the solution by partnering with technology companies,  providing access to clean water and creating a safe environment in underdeveloped countries to stop the spread of these diseases and create safe and sanitary conditions for the people in these areas.” He affirms.


THE RESCUE PROJECT is a non-profit organization aimed at providing clean water and sanitation for those in need. With a genuine passion for protecting the health and well-being of those deprived of necessities throughout the world, The Rescue Project uses its pillars of altruism and dedication to increase the supply of safe water and ensure healthy eyesight by the year 2020. The Rescue Project believes that increasing access to such a simple element of life, water, can change the lives of millions. The organization, backed by and named after Resk ‘Que, is targeted towards Sub-Saharan African countries, but upholds an objective to advocate for healthy drinking water in Asia, East Europe, Latin America, and everywhere else that clean drinking water is scarce.

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Author michaelrconsoli

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